Tag: Instagram Marketing Statistics

Instagram Marketing

Instagram Marketing Statistics You Should be Aware of in 2019

Instagram continues to be a massive influence on consumer habits. It is a platform where brands and influencers can directly reach their customers every day at a relatively low marketing cost. To make it in today’s market you have to engage with your target audience on social media, and to make it on social media you have to constantly adapt and stay ahead of the curve. Instagram is still the third most used social media platform just after Facebook and YouTube, making it a must-have marketing platform. These Instagram statistics will give you some deeper insight into Instagram trends and help you optimize your Instagram marketing campaigns.   The most popular Instagram brands get a 4.2% engagement rate per follower. This is about 58 times more than they get from Facebook as well as 120 times more than they get on Twitter. This shows us the powerful potential of using Instagram correctly. Marketers can get amazing results and interaction if they use Instagram in an effective way. This stat was sourced from Hootsuite and you can improve these stats using Acheter des Followers Instagram.   The most active brands on Instagram are of course media brands. The least active and least represented brands are services in business and finance and also consumer goods that sell at rapid speeds. With Instagram’s business side still being relatively new we are only now starting to see a normalization in the frequency that brands post, this allows us to start measuring the rapid increase that has occurred. A survey showed that 41% of the online marketers also use videos on Instagram and about 44% say they are still planning to use videos on Instagram. These stats are sourced from Simply Measured and wyzowl.com.   Out of all the Instagram users, 90% are under the age of 35. This makes it abundantly clear that Instagram is the perfect platform to reach the millennial target audience. Another survey found that out of all the teenagers who use Instagram, 32% of them felt that there is no other social media platform as important as Instagram. Also when it comes to genders, woman is 38% prone to make use of Instagram compared to men at 26%. Sourced from ScienceDaily.   In 2015 product content received the highest numbers of engagement by far at a rate of 60%. This is more than 20% higher than the second category on the list namely lifestyle. Marketers welcome this news because it means people already know and are fine with it that brands will push their products. This makes it easier to offer your products and services. Sourced from Hootsuite.   In terms of engagement, tagging your Instagram posts in a location or with some other user receives much higher rates. Tagging a person gets 56% higher engagement and tagging a location gets 79% higher engagement. People seem to be more intrigued and more inclined to contribute when a post also revolves around a location they know or when it is in a more social setting like with someone else. So it is a valuable habit to tag the where and who. Sourced from Simply Measured. Read Also: Steps ForImproving Your Instagram Strategy A Guide To Running Your Instagram Marketing Campaign